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Lanzarote is undoubtedly one of the best places in all of Europe to do Dives, whether it is your first time or you are already a professional.


Dive into our famous diving site,Girl Beach, where you will be able to see a large part of Lanzarote's native marine species, in a safe environment and with the best visibility in all of Europe.

Our diving baptisms last between30 and 40 minutes underwater.

We will give you some previous theoretical notions and we will be very attentive to you at all times during the immersion.

And as a gift we will take underwater photos for you.

DURATION: Approximately 3 hours.


Two dives of 35 to 45 minutes at a depth of 6 meters in the first and 12 meters in the second. Two different routes. Basic instruction for diving independently. The price includes transportation, rental and insurance.

We will give you some previous theoretical notions and we will be very attentive to you at all times during the immersion.

And as a gift we will take underwater photos for you.

DURATION: About 5 hours


The baptism Museum activity consists of 3 dives, 2 of them in the Playa Chica area (Puerto del Carmen). We will do a first dive at 6 meters deep, a second dive at 12 meters and then the museum in the afternoon

The reason for doing two previous dives to the museum is that it is located at a depth of 12-14 meters and you descend through a cape from a boat, which requires some experience at that depth, which we will reach on the second dive in Small beach.

The price would be as follows: 3 dives entrance to the museum boat trip transfer: €170 per person (includes complete diving equipment and diving insurance) WE INCLUDE free photos for both on all dives.

As for schedules, it starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends around 5:30 p.m.

Dive 1: We will be underwater for about 45 minutes, the rest of the time is for instruction, preparing equipment, movement and completing medical records. You go down to a maximum depth of 6 meters and there is an instructor with you who is always at your side. This first dive basically consists of breathing and enjoying the sensation of being underwater. The instructors control the equipment and are attentive at all times. The activity is really simple, especially in Playa Chica where access is on foot and there is no current or waves.

Dive 2:On the second dive we go down to 12 meters and take a different route. The instruction is more complete and there is more time to practice buoyancy and get to feel the incredible sensation of weightlessness. You will also be able to observe more typical species of the Canary Islands such as salemas, vielas, seahorses, fulas, starfish, cuttlefish...Without a doubt that is your option if you don't want to be left wanting more.

Dive 3:Atlantic Museum. 45-50 minutes in the water to visit the 300 statues submerged at 14 meters. The trip this time is done by boat and takes about 5-10 minutes.


Simple baptisms:If you do not have a car, they include pick-up: In Costa Teguise, Arrecife and Puerto del Carmen, it is only included if there are 4 people or more. (Playa Blanca area without pickup, only for groups of more than 6)

Double baptisms:If you do not have a car, they include pick-up: In Costa Teguise, Arrecife and Puerto del Carmen, it is only included if there are 3 people or more. (Playa Blanca area without pickup, only for groups of 6 or more)

Double baptisms Museum:If you do not have a car, they include pick-up: In Costa Teguise, Arrecife and Puerto del Carmen, it is only included if there are 3 people or more. (Playa Blanca area without pickup, only for groups of more than 6)

If you need transportation and meet the requirements for it, write down the hotel and the person who needs a pick-up.

Meeting point for those who go on their own: PLAYA CHICA LOCATION

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